Ok, so yes we are pregnant we baby #3. Right now the due date is set at March 19th but I think it will be pushed back at least a week once we have an ultrasound. I am 11 weeks and have not been sick one time, so keep your fingers crossed. I have been nauseous a total of 2 times and once was during snack time at school. Just too much peanut butter. We have told the kids. Reagan likes to kiss my belly and Grayson likes to lay or sit on me and "smush" the baby. Poor thing is already being abused. Reagan wants a girl baby and Grayson wants a boy baby. He says girls cry too much. He has also said he wouldn't mind one of each!!! I think I need to talk him out of that idea!! Mark and I are both leaning towards another boy, but truthfully a healthy baby is all I want (but I wouldn't mind it being a boy). I have been busy working full time and playing with the kids so I have neglected the blog. Maybe I will do better! One thing we worked on this summer was getting Grayson out of our bed. He use to do so good but then we kind of let it slide and he ended up in our bed with us, Reagan, and the 2 dogs. Our king size bed was not large enough!! I bribed him with a new big boy bicycle if he would sleep in his bed....thinking it would take until is birthday in 2 weeks for him to earn it. Boy did he prove me wrong!! He had a very large sticker chart to fill before he could get his bike. It took him 1 month and that's with us making him sleep with us when he had his surgery! Here are some pics of him on his big boy bike and him riding his sissy around on the tricycle. Enjoy!

first crash...no tears!
first crash...no tears!